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Proposed Changes to Tax Dispute Resolution in Europe

The Swedish Parliament recently presented the bill ratifying an EU Directive regarding tax dispute resolution. The new rules proposed ...

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Most popular Tax matters posts during 2017

During 2017, a large number of tax proposals were presented and discussed in Sweden. The 3:12 committee’s report, the real estate packaging ...

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Mikael Carlén wishes you Happy Holidays!

2017 started with a major degree of uncertainty as a number of tax proposals had been presented which, taken together, would have implied ...

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2016 Tax Chronicle

2016 was a good tax year for our clients and writing about this evokes positive memories and images. Many medium-sized companies expanded ...

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Stockholm – City of Opportunity

Stockholm maintains its very high ranking in a global comparison of thirty cities and their attractiveness in terms of a variety of ...

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Discussion about taxes continues after Almedalen

If the UK initiates its race to reduce corporate taxes, discussions regarding Brexit will be more difficult. This was taken up by Swedish ...

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Tax matters wishes you a nice summer

The summer is here and we can look back on an intense and comprehensive six month within the tax area. The debate around taxes and morals ...

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Almedalen sum-up: The tax system is challenged by tomorrow's entrepreneurs

PwC's tax seminars caught the eye in Visby. The week was, however, thin in terms of tax news in politics. Certain comments and suggestions ...

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Entrepreneurs Day at Almedalen

At Almedalen we invited people to join in a discussion on social entrepreneurship and philanthropy with a panel of well-known experts ...

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Entrepreneurship, sharing economy and tax – all hot topics at Almedalen

Does Sweden’s tax system need to be reformed in order to stimulate and create the premises so that innovative and dynamic growth companies ...

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Menu of the day 4 July  – debate on taxation at Almedalen

Taxation was high on the agenda at Almedalen today. In the comments below, I have summarised the highlights of a few of the seminars I had ...

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Acceptance of changed guidelines for transfer pricing

On 23 May, the OECD Council approved the changes to the guidelines for multinational companies and tax administrations stipulated in the ...

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Public country-by-country reporting: Tax transparency and CSR

Public country-by-country reporting (CbCR) is a mandatory reporting requirement to increase tax transparency measures. Companies need to ...

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BEPS - Profit allocation models with Chinese companies

During the transfer pricing conference in Paris on 14 March 2016, representatives from the OECD, tax authorities, corporate leaders and ...

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The impact of BEPS on Swedish companies

The OECD’s final reports regarding BEPS are extensive and contain more than 1,600 pages of analysis and recommendations. How these ...

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BEPS may impact Swedish companies with employees working abroad

The changes proposed in BEPS Action 7 could impact the taxation of employees working abroad. It is, therefore, important that the human ...

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BEPS – The Tax Agency’s explanation regarding changes in transfer pricing

The Tax Agency states in their explanation of the proposed changes found in the BEPS action plan, Actions 8-10 regarding OECD’s transfer ...

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Tax year 2015 shows the the way for 2016

If 2015 was a relatively calm tax year, then 2016 could see a real explosion of new developments. New corporate taxation regulations and a ...

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Most popular Tax matters posts during 2015

The 3:12-taxation of non-listed companies and their shareholders, how you can rent out your tenant owner apartment tax free, the ...

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The Swedish tax blog now in English

We have listened to you who read our blog and have spoken with our clients both within and outside Sweden, and we now taking a major step ...

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Magnus Johnsson wishes you Happy Holidays!

Once again, an eventful tax year to sum up! This year, I am writing this in English as from the year-end we will launch Tax matters in ...

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International tax trends affecting entrepreneur-led companies

Tougher tax competition and opportunities to pay less tax on investments and profits from research and development are some of the trends ...

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