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Most popular Tax matters posts during 2017

Most popular Tax matters posts during 2017 ‹ Back to the articles

Most popular Tax matters posts during 2017During 2017, a large number of tax proposals were presented and discussed in Sweden. The 3:12 committee’s report, the real estate packaging proposal and proposals for changes as regards tax on financial operations were some of the most popular topics with readers during 2017. Please find below last year’s most widely read tax blogs on Tax matters.

Taxation is an area with a broad impact and which is a challenge for all companies, both large and small. As a result, we think it is positive to note that there is a growing number of readers of Tax matters who can receive help from the knowledge and information we share in our articles.

As always, certain topics are more popular than others. Each year, we have a large number of readers interested in our blog posts prior to the income tax return season and prior to year-end, and we will, of course, continue to provide you with input in these areas.

Here are five of the most popular posts during the end of 2017.

Happy reading!

  1. Invoicing Board fees via one’s own limited liability company doesn’t always work tax-wise
  2. Regularly recurring visits could constitute a permanent stay in Sweden
  3. The Swedish government proposes new corporate income tax rules
  4. Final (?) proposal for new 3:12 rules
  5. Change in the law and new practice regarding work permits

Do you have any questions on tax?



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