We have listened to you who read our blog and have spoken with our clients both within and outside Sweden, and we now taking a major step forward and launching the Swedish tax blog translated into English.
In just over two years, Tax matters has regularly published news and information in the tax area. Our ambition is to constantly improve the blog. Slightly more than six months ago, we sent out a survey to our readers in which we asked for opinions about the blog and how it could be improved. Our thanks to all of you who responded! In this survey we received a confirmation that a number of our readers would appreciate receiving the blog posts also in English.
So now we are launching Tax matters in English! You will continue to receive quick updates on the blog as previously, in Swedish, but you will also be able to choose to follow the blog in English and can, of course, also share the English posts with your English-speaking contacts.
If you have any special wishes as to what you would like us to comment upon or suggestions for further improvements as regards Tax matters, please feel free to contact me!
PwC Sverige är marknadsledande inom revision och rådgivning med 2 700 medarbetare runt om i landet – vi finns där du finns! Vårt syfte är att skapa förtroende i samhället och lösa viktiga problem och våra värderingar genomsyrar allt vi gör.
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