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Swedish tax relief for foreign experts has been extended - tax relief can now be granted for a five year period
New rules apply from January 1, 2021. The period for which tax relief, the so called “expert tax relief” can be granted has been extended ...
New verdict from the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the interpretation of the interest deduction limitation rules in relation to a fund structure
The investors in a contractual fund have been regarded as lenders to a Swedish portfolio company, thus the rightful recipients of interest ...
Economic employer – Swedish parliament decided on the new proposed rules
The Swedish parliament has decided to adopt the bill on changed rules for taxation of temporary work in Sweden. This means that new rules ...
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Om du inte får fram något formulär via knappen ovan, klicka här!Sweden is now introducing the concept of “Economic employer” which means an increase in taxation of foreign workers and business travellers
The Swedish government has now submitted the bill with the proposal to introduce the concept of economic employer in Sweden. As a ...
New information due to covid-19 regarding VAT treatment of bad debts
The Swedish Tax Agency has published a new guideline with the purpose to facilitate companies’ VAT treatment of bad debts. We explain what ...
The Swedish Tax Agency’s New Approach to Intra-Group Financial Guarantees
The Swedish Tax Agency's two previous positions on financial guarantees are being reconsidered in order to better align with international ...
Exemption from customs duties and VAT on imports: an effect of Covid-19
When importing goods from non-EU countries, customs should be cleared and customs duties and VAT should be paid. As a result of the ...
39 billion in additional support measures for companies
At a press conference on the morning of April 30, the government, together with the Center and the Liberals, presented additional measures ...
Temporary discount for rental costs – this is how it works
The Swedish government has proposed to allocate SEK 5 billion in order to reduce rental costs for companies in sectors hard-hit due to the ...
Support measures at focus in the government's spring budget
On the morning of 15 April, the Swedish government presented its proposal for the spring budget. As expected, the budget contains measures ...
Further support measures in response to the Coronavirus
At a press conference in the afternoon of April 14, the Swedish Government presented additional measures to support Swedish companies. A ...
VAT reporting during the Corona crisis
The Swedish Tax Agency has announced that a company, due to the Corona crisis, may have an opportunity to change how it reports VAT. This ...
Temporary deferrals and representative responsibility - what applies?
Companies can now apply to postpone payment of taxes and fees. But what about when companies apply for temporary deferral – can ...
Temporarily reduced employer contributions – this is how it works
Companies in Sweden can now request reduced employer contributions for up to 30 employees. It is one of the government's support measures ...
Tax on plastic carrier bags - what to know
The Swedish government has proposed that tax on plastic carrier bags should be levied from 1 May 2020. What does the legislation prescribe ...
The Swedish Tax Agency’s special controls in 2020
Personal expenses, undeclared benefits and the cleaning and transport sectors. These are the areas that the Swedish Tax Agency will have ...
New expanded crisis package for small and medium sized corporations
On the evening of March 25 the Swedish government presented an expanded crisis package to help Swedish small and medium sized corporations ...
No change in social security coverage for Öresund commuters
Commuters in the Öresund region can work from home without having to worry about a change of social security coverage. Försäkringskassan ...
New report: Tax measures in response to COVID-19
Governments around the world are introducing tax measures to support companies who are financially affected by covid-19. In an extensive ...
Strengthen your company’s liquidity by revising the preliminary tax payments
The Government has proposed an action package to support companies following the outbreak of covid-19. However, there are also other ...
Possible deferral of payment regarding taxes and fees
In order to mitigate companies' temporary liquidity problems as a result of Covid-19, the Government proposes a possibility of postponement ...
300 billion in the government's covid-19 action package
The Swedish Government has presented a package of measures aimed at mitigating the economic effects of the ongoing spread of covid-19. The ...
Mikael Carlén sums up 2019 and wishes you Happy Holidays!
2019 has been an interesting and exciting year. During the spring, Tax & Legal conducted a survey, “Skattebarometern 2019”, of ...
DAC6 - soon to be law in Sweden!
In previous Tax matters articles in 2019, we have written about the new mandatory disclosure regime resulting from the DAC6 Directive and ...
International e-sports company ordered to pay undeclared employer’s contributions for Swedish players
In November last year, the Swedish Tax Agency decided to make a discretionary assessment of a well-known international e-sports company’s ...
Proposed Changes to Tax Dispute Resolution in Europe
The Swedish Parliament recently presented the bill ratifying an EU Directive regarding tax dispute resolution. The new rules proposed ...
Government plans to introduce the concept of “economic employer” on 1 January 2021
In previous articles, we have described the proposal to introduce the concept of “economic employer” to the taxation of non-resident ...
New tax on financial services sector announced
The Swedish government announced at a press conference on 31 August that it would present a proposal for a new tax on the financial ...
Summer greetings from Mikael Carlén
This spring, PwC has conducted the annual survey, “Skattebarometern 2019”, on attitudes to taxes and the tax system. The objective is to ...
End to tax-free pensions in Portugal
Swedish pensioners who have moved to Portugal have, under certain circumstances, not been liable to pay tax for their Swedish occupational ...