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Economic employer – Swedish parliament decided on the new proposed rules

The Swedish parliament has decided to adopt the bill on changed rules for taxation of temporary work in Sweden. This means that new rules ...

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39 billion in additional support measures for companies

At a press conference on the morning of April 30, the government, together with the Center and the Liberals, presented additional measures ...

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Temporarily reduced employer contributions – this is how it works

Companies in Sweden can now request reduced employer contributions for up to 30 employees. It is one of the government's support measures ...

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New report: Tax measures in response to COVID-19

Governments around the world are introducing tax measures to support companies who are financially affected by covid-19. In an extensive ...

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Strengthen your company’s liquidity by revising the preliminary tax payments

The Government has proposed an action package to support companies following the outbreak of covid-19. However, there are also other ...

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300 billion in the government's covid-19 action package

The Swedish Government has presented a package of measures aimed at mitigating the economic effects of the ongoing spread of covid-19. The ...

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Proposed Changes to Tax Dispute Resolution in Europe

The Swedish Parliament recently presented the bill ratifying an EU Directive regarding tax dispute resolution. The new rules proposed ...

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New tax on financial services sector announced

The Swedish government announced at a press conference on 31 August that it would present a proposal for a new tax on the financial ...

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End to tax-free pensions in Portugal

Swedish pensioners who have moved to Portugal have, under certain circumstances, not been liable to pay tax for their Swedish occupational ...

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Server holdings may entail a permanent establishment

A few years ago, the Supreme Administrative Court quashed an advance ruling regarding the question if a foreign company's leasing of ...

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New design of Tax matters

Welcome to the new Tax matters! Now, our tax blog has a new design, which will make it easier for you to navigate and read the latest news. ...

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Paying Taxes 2019 – global comparison of 190 tax systems

Paying Taxes 2019 is a unique report produced by PwC and the World Bank Group with the aim of comparing the tax regimes of 190 countries ...

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