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Tax function of the future as an integrated part of the finance function

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Tax_as_a_critical_component_in_every_Finance_transformationThe integration of the tax function with the finance function can result in a number of advantages for a company’s business operations. Consequently, it is important that a company reviews, at an early stage, the manner in which the tax function can be integrated in conjunction with a change or changes in the company’s finance function.

PwC’s report, ”Tax as a critical component in every Finance transformation” is the fourth report in PwC’s report series – Tax Function of the Future. These reports examine and describe the tax function of the future and the methods whereby today’s such functions will need to be changed in order to comprise a strategic asset in the company’s future business operations.

In this report the focus is on the importance of the tax function as an integral part of a broad spectrum of changes in companies’ finance functions. The report examines the underlying reasons for the change processes, the manner in which the tax function should be incorporated, potential possibilities and risks, and presents proposals for how a change process in this context can be initiated and structured.

In order to successfully implement changes in a finance function and, thereby, achieve enhanced operational efficiency, it is decisive that the tax function is also incorporated from the very beginning of any change program. Feel free to contact one of us if you would like our assistance in initiating this important change already, today.

Read the report ”Tax as a critical component in every Finance transformation”

Do you have any questions on corporate taxation?

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen arbetar med nationell och internationell företagsbeskattning på PwC i Stockholm med särskilt fokus på strategifrågor. Kim är ansvarig för affärsområdet Tax Reporting & Strategy inom PwC Sverige.
010-212 49 08
Kim Jokinen works with national and international corporate taxation at PwC’s office in Stockholm, specialising in Tax Transparency. Kim is in charge of Tax Reporting & Strategy for PwC Sweden.
+46 10 212 49 08

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