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Tax compliance for Swedish companies in India

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PwC-skatteradgivning-Globe-solid_0005_orange.pngOver the years, the potential tax compliances in India has been one of the key area of deliberation for many foreign companies while conducting any business activity with or in India. Many initiatives and measures have been taken by the Government of India to promote the tax compliance by taxpayers as well as to improve internal efficiency in its operations.

The recent policy measures taken by the Government such as digitalization are likely to improve the transparency and efficiency of the overall tax compliance framework. Considering the increased focus of government on tax compliance, it is imperative for all taxpayers to undertake the applicable compliances in India.

With this in mind, we have captured certain aspects that foreign companies should consider while doing business with or in India in order to ensure that they operate within the applicable tax compliance framework.

Seminar, October 2, in Stockholm

We are hosting a seminar with these aspects in mind on who needs to comply and when do you need to comply with regard to tax and regulatory compliances. What are these required tax compliances and regulations that you need to be aware of and how you can make yourself compliant while operating in India. We want to simplify and explain the considerations you need to think of when transacting in India or with India and what are your obligations with your business transactions. This session will be suitable for any kind and type of company that wants to understand more about doing business in India.

Please join us in this interactive session on Navigating the Tax and Regulatory Environment in India.

We will be talking on the following aspects:

  • Investing in India: An overview
  • India Opportunities and Challenges
  • Regulatory Framework in India
  • Tax Framework in India
  • Doing Business in India.

The seminar will be held in English.

Read more and register here

Do you have any questions on corporate taxation?



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