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Paying Taxes 2018 – global comparison of 190 tax systems

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Paying_Taxes_2018.jpgPaying Taxes 2018 is a unique annual report produced as a cooperative effort between PwC and the World Bank Group. The report investigates and compares tax systems in 190 countries. It ranks the countries in terms of tax pressure and how simple it is to comply with the tax systems in place. In this manner, the report is expected to contribute to interesting debates between governments, companies and tax authorities around the world.

This year the report addresses the manner in which the digital revolution is transforming almost every aspect of paying taxes. The report considers the methods companies use to pay their taxes and how tax authorities communicate with taxpayers and perform tax audits.

The interactive tools found in the report, the results of previous digital successes, have been updated and additional information can be compared between the different countries. These tools include a number of alternatives when it comes to layout, and printing and designing the report. You will find these tools on www.pwc.com/payingtaxes.

Read the report "Paying Taxes 2018"

Do you have any questions on corporate taxation?

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen arbetar med nationell och internationell företagsbeskattning på PwC i Stockholm med särskilt fokus på strategifrågor. Kim är ansvarig för affärsområdet Tax Reporting & Strategy inom PwC Sverige.
010-212 49 08
Kim Jokinen works with national and international corporate taxation at PwC’s office in Stockholm, specialising in Tax Transparency. Kim is in charge of Tax Reporting & Strategy for PwC Sweden.
+46 10 212 49 08

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