During the spring, a large number of tax proposals were presented and discussed. The 3:12 Committee’s proposal was presented in March and has, after that, been the subject of extensive debate in Swedish media. The Real Estate Packaging Committee’s report was also presented in March. In addition, there are proposals for changes in tax on financial operations and for air travel tax and, in the third week of June, the Corporate Tax Committee presented its proposal.
The majority of these questions will be continued to be discussed after the summer. In other words, we look forward to a very exciting and interesting autumn.
As in previous years, PwC was on site in Visby during the Almedalen week. This year, we offered four tax seminars during which we discussed, amongst other things, issues focusing on the digital economy and the impact of Brexit and possible changes in tax regulations in the US on Swedish business.
Tax matters is taking a short break now and will start up again in August. We will, of course, then, continue to monitor these issues and will keep you updated on the most recent developments within taxation. You are welcome to follow us in social media, and via Tax matters which is provided in both Swedish and English.
Finally, myself, and our tax department here at PwC, would like to wish you a wonderful summer!
/Mikael Carlén

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