2018 has been an exiting year, with the election in Sweden and Brexit being subjects of much discussion. As regards tax proposals, there was a large focus on the “Exit tax” at the beginning of the year. After the summer, the new proposed regulations regarding the limiting of the possibility of deducting interest charges have, among other subjects, sparked a great deal of interest.
Through the monitoring of the electoral process on Tax matters during the spring, we continuously reported on the tax matters that each party regardes as their most important ones. Monitoring and reporting have also been done for Brexit and a number of new tax proposals and other events.
One of our great efforts at the moment is the development of new digital tools, for example for quantifying and visualising the consequences of the new rules for the deductibility of interest charges. During November, the tool was presented by way of an article and a video on Tax matters. We find our work with creating new digital tools that are of great use for our customers very exciting.
I am looking forward to 2019 with a sense of excitement as I am certain it will be as equally interesting as 2018. We will, of course, continue to monitor tax developments and tax-related issues and will keep you updated here at Tax matters.
Finally, I would like to, together with PwC Tax & Legal, wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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