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Changes of China’s investment climate for foreign companies

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Changes of China’s investment climate for foreign companiesThe world is changing in different aspects and areas, China and China's role in the world is changing as well. For Swedish and Western companies seeking and making investments in China it becomes more important to be aware of the trends pending and forming the investment climate for foreign companies today and in the future. Which trends are expected to improve, or challenge, the investment climate for foreign companies in China? In 2017 the country has issued circulars such as ‘20 Measures to attract foreign investments’ and another ‘22 measures to further improve the business environment for foreign investment’, including fiscal and taxation incentives and other actions to improve the business climate.

Seminar in Stockholm on 1 November 2017

PwC’s China Desk* holds a seminar on 1 November where we will be talking about the changes in the Chinese investment climate for foreign companies, including tax and other trends. The seminar will be held in English. The following speakers will share their expertise on the subject:

  • Bo Yu, Tax Partner, PwC China
  • Ricky Xue, Senior Tax Manager, PwC China

Read more and register here

*PwC’s China Desk offers China-related services within tax, audit and advisory. We are the first point of contact for Swedish companies interested in exploring business opportunities in China, as well as for Chinese companies pursuing opportunities in Sweden and the Nordics. China Desk is an integrated part of PwC’s extensive global network and works closely with PwC’s European Business Group in China.

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