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Access the current tax rates of more than 150 countries

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WWTS2016_17.jpgWorldwide Tax Summaries – Corporate Taxes 2016/17 (WWTS) provides you with detailed information regarding current tax rates and how taxes are handled in more than 150 countries all over the globe.

This information has been produced by the local tax advisors within the PwC network and also includes the most recent changes in tax rules. In addition, the digital version of WWTS is updated within 30 days after any significant change in the details takes place.

You can choose how you want to access this information. An online version of the book can be found on www.pwc.com/taxsummaries which is updated in conjunction with major changes. Here you can also upload the book as a pdf or electronic book. In addition, you can choose Quick Charts illustrating the tax information country-by-country in diagram format, which is very simple to use. For those of you wishing to obtain a paper copy of the book, you can,of course,order that, too.

Read Worldwide Tax Summaries 2016/17

Do you have any questions on corporate taxation?

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen

Kim Jokinen arbetar med nationell och internationell företagsbeskattning på PwC i Stockholm med särskilt fokus på strategifrågor. Kim är ansvarig för affärsområdet Tax Reporting & Strategy inom PwC Sverige.
010-212 49 08
Kim Jokinen works with national and international corporate taxation at PwC’s office in Stockholm, specialising in Tax Transparency. Kim is in charge of Tax Reporting & Strategy for PwC Sweden.
+46 10 212 49 08

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